We are raising funds to provide HOPE
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Idahoans age 11-35 and that is not acceptable.
The Crisis Hotline is committed to changing that statistic, via our 24-hour hotline and outreach programs.Our hotline is staffed by volunteers who are trained to intervene at a person’s most dark and difficult time, providing critical emotional support and referrals.
The Crisis Hotline dedicates over 8,760 hours of volunteer time on the Hotline every year to ensure the health and safety of our community. We value being on the front "phone" lines to assist people at the moment they need help the most (when they are experiencing it)
As much as we are there for people in those critical times, The Crisis Hotline is also proud to offer outreach and education programs that support building a resilient community. We collaborate with partner organizations through the 5B Suicide Prevention Alliance to bring education and awareness to our community, creating a common language that can be supported by everyone.
This is what your donation goes toward when you invest in the Crisis Hotline and we couldn't do it without YOU!
Your donation TODAY, will make a difference in a person's life for a Better Tomorrow!
......or mail a check PO Box 939 Ketchum, ID 83340